Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What Me? Forget?

   Remember that post I wrote about making every day count?  Well it turns out that accounting for every moment of my day isn't very...what's the word?...do-able.  It was fun while it lasted though.  I just needed a job.  That picture up there shows one of the things I did.  I started a water fight.  I forget what we were doing outside in our pajamas but it involved the hose so I kinda...sprayed my sister all over.  She ran in to save her snowcone from the hose water, then filled up two glasses of water.  After locking myself in the bathroom, she said she had set the glasses down.  She had.  In the bathroom I had written a Peace Treaty for us to sign.  I eventually came out and sat down on one side of the glasses.  Then it turns out the reason she wanted me to come out of the bathroom was so she could spray me with water.  So I used what she had left Right There: the glasses of water.  Rookie Mistake.  After spraying me down she agreed to the peace treaty and we both signed it.  So yeah besides starting and ending a water fight I don't really recall anything of importance that I did at that time.  And remembering the water fight, as monumental as it was, was probably made easier by the fact that I have a picture.
   Now that I have a job, my time seems so much more valuable than it was before.  Make Every Day Count?  Check.

   This is November Blog Post: 2  Only 28 more to go!

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