Friday, January 17, 2014

Looking for an adventure

Well, it turns out neither of us did the nablopomo.  Or whatever it was called.  I'm still alive, in case you were wondering...  The reason I decided to get on here and write is because I was inspired by watching Julie & Julia, which is btw an amazing movie.  I want to start blogging again.  But instead of it being about random activities that I do, which was all good and well at the time, I want it to be about me accomplishing something like Julie did.  So what am I going to do?...I'm going to college in the fall.  However between then and now, I want to go on some trips around the world.  What could be better than writing about my adventures?  I want to go to Peru, Mozambique, Alaska, Illinios, and Paris, as well as on a cruise.
   I've got a job now and just got my first paycheck today.  Yay!  How in the world am I going to be able to affors all those trips?  In order for this to be an interesting adventure it needs to have some challenge to it.  I don't want it to be about saving up enough money for all these trips.  What other adventure is there in all this?  Besides just going to these random places...  I need a challenge!!!!  Got any ideas?

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