Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Make Every Moment Count (for 30 Days)

   I've been graduated for quite some time now and still haven't gotten a job.  With nothing to do I haven't really been DOING anything.  As my first "summer", I guess I think I kind of deserved it.  After all, what is there to do anyway?  Well, visiting my sister Rachel last week shook me from my do nothing craze.  Every day and I mean Evvvery day we were out doing something.  (Helen was there too.)  We helped unpack and turn her place from a storage unit into a stylish and decorated apartment.  When we weren't doing that we were out shopping, out eating, out walking, or working out in her building's gym.  Ok, so we did have some time of relaxing (watching The Bible and her relationship videos)(kind of ironic considering none of us are in a relationship).  But the point is we were doing all of this at my sister's pace.  Have you met my sister?  She has to be doing something allll the time.  Her metabolism is crazy.  Now, I mean this all in the nicest way.  See, that's what I want to be doing.  Accomplishing something every moment.  Or Making Every Moment Count.
   This wasn't the thing that gave me the idea for the 30 Day Dare though.  I was listening to KLove this morning (a christian radio station) and they were talking about the five things successful people do in the morning before going to work.  I didn't catch all the five so I looked them up on the internet.  This data has been compiled by people doing research on CEOs and people like that.  Anyway the five things are:  Exercise.  Map Out Your Day.  Eat a Healthy Breakfast.  Visualization.  Make Your Day Top Heavy.  I got these from this site.
   Check it out if you want more in depth information.  I'll just explain what they each mean.  Exercising in the morning helps because it gives a sense of accomplishment.  It's also easier to get to in the morning when your energy and willpower have recharged, then it is in the evening after a long day of work.  And it gives you more energy believe it or not.  Map Out Your Day means basically make a schedule.  Eat a Healthy Breakfast.  Duh.  What, did the mini-wheats commercial not spell it out for you enough?  (BTW waffles totally count as healthy.  come on, I put PB on them and everything.)  Visualization: Imagine being successful that day; have positive thoughts about the upcoming day.  Makes sense.  Make Your Day Top Heavy.  In other words do the hardest thing first.  Then your day can get easier as it goes along.  And that way you won't procrastinate until the last minute.

   After reading their post, which is reaaally long (but really good).  I looked at another post that they suggested.  It's about creating a new a habit.  Very informational.  Seriously, check it out.  Step 5 says to make a 30 day challenge and Step 7 says to "hold yourself publicly accountable".  So that's what I'm doing.  I'm going to post about my 30 days.  I may not post about everyday.  Hey, I may not even post about any day at all and just do a short synopsis at the end on it's success or failure or if I entirely forgot about it.  Guess we'll find out.

   If you're feeling up to it, why don't you join me and leave in the comments what you did everyday?

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